Our Europe
Our Europe: A thriving society and economy that relies on the banking system to grow
Europe. Our home. Today we are more than 700 million people living on this continent. Together we are one of the most populated and economically active areas of our world. Thousands of enterprises produce and sell goods and services we use every day. Jobs and much of our wellbeing, as well as our wealth depends on a healthy, internationally competitive and prosperous economy. Banks are a key part of this economy. As their core business, banks provide liquidity in the form of loans to businesses and individuals and thereby allow our economy to grow and flourish.
As much freedom as possible, as much regulation as necessary
Because of its importance and systemic relevance, the banking sector in Europe is highly regulated. We welcome effective regulation, if it ensures a level playing field for all market participants. Regulation can create room for innovation and new products, while at the same time ensures safety and trust in financial institutions. Since 2008, a tight corset of financial regulations has been put into action. This tight corset and regulatory capture make it difficult for European banks to react to a rapidly changing environment, provide modern digital services and remain competitive on a global level. Europe needs strong, trustworthy, reliable and competitive banks to protect and strengthen its economy. Without them, we open the door for shadow players that erode trust in the financial system.
Relying on trustworthy institutions – new times need new and adequate regulation
By providing liquidity and financing, the banking system can help companies to manage a crisis, take the next step, trigger transformation and innovate, to build a prosperous and sustainable future and ultimately, a strong and sovereign Europe. However, banks need to be able to fulfill this role and not be burdened or hampered by inadequate rules and regulation. To successfully face new times, we need new, adequate regulation, which allows banks to flexibly react to economic challenges and the financing needs of businesses in uncertain times. It also must encourage the transition to a sustainable future and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.
Big challenges and major opportunities – Covid-19 and the Green Deal are the major disruptors of our times
The recovery from the shockwaves triggered by COVID 19 will dominate the months and years to come. Now more than ever, Europe needs to collaborate on coming back stronger than it was before. It is also a great opportunity to accelerate the digital transition and the transformation of our economy towards a sustainable future.
Europe has embarked on one of the biggest transitions ever the transformation towards a sustainable society and economy based on the Green Deal, which reaches to all sectors, including the financial industry. The strive towards a sustainable future holds many opportunities. To fully take advantage of them, businesses in Europe will need financing and financial advice from experienced and trustworthy partners.
Banking made for CEE – a thriving economy
RBI Group wants to play a decisive role in financing the recovery and transformation to build and strengthen the European economy. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in particular can act as frontrunner in this to help Europe come back even stronger. RBI is proud to be uniquely positioned to support this. With a presence in 12 CEE countries, the group is offering high quality jobs in the entire region. With a unique in-depth knowledge of local markets, RBI can be an ambassador of European values and a promoter of a successful economy.